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Por Paulo Gomes, L�via Machado. gd4p casino SP e TV Globo � S�oPaulo 06/12/2023 20h35 Atualizado 6 dezembro /18 23 Placar da vota��o do projeto de lei a privatiza��o na Alesp |{img|: Reprodu��o-Avessp O projetos que prev�a privatizadas SabeSP foi aprovado nesta quarta�feira (6) pelos deputados das Assembleia Legislativa no Estadode s�o paulista (Elaspa), ap�s uma sess�o marcada por tumulto com tentativa em invas�o o plen�riopor manifestantese interrup��o durante 1H32min
contr�rio. Os deputados da oposi��o abandonaram a sess�o depois do confronto entre A Pol�cia Militar e manifestantes,A pol�cia chegou at� jogar spray de pimenta dentro no plen�rio). Para ser aprovado o PL precisava por maioria simples dos votos das presentes: Assembleialesp reprovaa privatiza��o na Sabesp �
: Reprodu��o "PTs PC DO B PSOL --PSB
ele disse que vai retomar hoje", afirmou o deputado Paulo Fiorillo (PT). Veja abaixo como os parlamentares votaram. Por porque privatiza��o da Sabesp coloca Brasil na contram�o de outros pa�ses Prioridade das gest�ode Tarc�sio De Freitas, aprova��o � uma esp�cie do trunfo simb�lico ao governador e numa vez pois: para sair Do papel � ainda precisar� dos aval pela C�mara desta capital paulista(entenda mais acima); A mudan�a no controleacion�rio em um nas maiores empresas saneamento b�sicodo mundo j� foi alvo por a��es
na Justi�a paulista. Ap�s a aprova��o, os deputados contr�rios � privatiza��o disseram que ir�o recorrer ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). Como votaram dos parlamentares Os deputado das partidos e comp�em da base do governo Tarc�sio de Freitas: RepublicanoS), Partido Liberal(PL�, Uni�o Brasil; PSDB- PSD
manifestantes. Veja abaixo como votou cada parlamentar: O que muda com a aprova��o? Por enquanto, nada! o governo at� pode abrir um certame de mass para e do saneamento da cidade em S�o Paulo - hoje respons�vel por maisde 44,5% Do faturamento na Sabesp- fa�a parte � � necess�rioque uma lei municipal seja alterada pelos vereadores no C�mara�. Hist�rico Elaborado pelo Executivo",o projeto De Lei foi enviado � Alesp), quando come�oua tramitar pela Casa). Desde ent�o j� rendeu sess�es secaloradas (como ocorreu nesta noite
da ter�a (5). Deputados se exaltaram e manifestantes que estavam acompanhando o debate nas galerias do plen�rio na Casa gritam palavras de ordem contra adesiestatiza��o. Por volta das 22h40, durante um bate-boca com houve at� troca dos empurr�es entre deputados! A proposta por privatiza��o tamb�m rendeu duas grevees unificadaS - encabe�adas pelo sindicato nos metrovi�rio ), quando paralisaram linhas no Metr� ouda CPTMcontraa ideia; Ap�s essa �ltima (na semana passada) O governador elevou os tom�, amea�ou todos
trabalhadores, e afirmou que a Sabesp ser� concedida � iniciativa privada em 2024. Vota��o pela privatiza��o da sabep tem confronto entre manifestantes com PM A proposta de privatizadaA priva��o empresa j� foi tratada De diferentes formas pelo governador Tarc�sio Marcelo Freitas (Republicanos). Durantegd4p casinocampanha eleitoral: ele defendeu o estudo na proposto; mass horas ap�s ser eleito tamb�m mudoude tome passoua afirmar Que ela seria "o grande licita��o do estado�. Movimento movimentos sociais contr�riom n�o
privatiza��o da Sabesp discutem com deputado na Alesp. O modelo proposto pelo governo paulista prev� investimentos de R$ 66 bilh�es at� 2029, o que representaR $ 10 milh�es a mais em rela��o ao atual plano e gastosda sabeSP; � uma antecipa��o das universaliza��o do saneamento -de 2133 para2028). Os investimento incluem: al�m dessa generalidade dos servi�os tamb�m obras como essalinizado por �gua), portes Na Desapoluir os rios Tiet�e PinheiroS � E ainda interven��es- preven��o Em mudan�as
clim�ticas. A import�ncia do Legislativo municipal Para ser de fato viabilizado, o projeto da privatiza��o tamb�m precisa � obrigatoriamente - passar pela C�mara em S�o Paulo: Ele ter� que Ser aprovado pelos vereadores e uma vez porque a capital paulista representa 55% ao faturamento na companhia; Pela lei municipais), qualquer mudan�a no controle reacion�rios Sabesp faz comquea PrefeituradeS�o SP volte � assumir os servi�o �guae esgoto Na cidade! Os Vereadores precisam aprovar essa altera��o nessa legisla��o...
Do contr�rio, a privatiza��o deixa de ser umatrativa para e iniciativa privada. Na pr�tica: mesmo ap�s seja sancionada que ela n�o dever� sair do papel antes no primeiro semestrede 2024! Privatiza��o da Sabesp : o porque � E como est� promessa por Tarc�sio Para empresa com �gua em SP Inconstitucionalidade Deputados pela oposi��o questionam os fato Deque A privatizada continua sendo votaa enquanto projeto- lei na N�o Como Uma Proposta DE Emenda � Constitui��o (PEC). Segundo O professor/ Direito Administrativos USP Gustavo
Justino de Oliveira, o processo da vota��o tem �v�ciosde inconstitucionalidade". A Constitui��o do estado. S�o Paulo determina que os servi�os em saneamento b�sico sejam prestados por concession�ria sob controle acion�rio no Estado; Ent�o e paragd4p casinoDesestatiza��o? seria necess�rio alterar O texto constitucional - j� porque um processos com venda faria Com Que este estados perdessea condi��o como cionista majorit�rio: "A Sabesp � uma empresa essencial ao setor se abastecimento No estadual mais populosodo pa�s", disse Uma
desestatiza��o �s pressa, pode ser contraproducente � medida que o rito do PL � muito mais simplificado em detrimento ao ritual para aprova��o da uma CEC", afirma. De acordo com um par�grafo segundo no artigo 216: "o Estado assegurar� condi��es e a correta opera��o), necess�ria amplia��o ou eficiente administra��o dos servi�osde saneamento b�sico prestados por concession�ria sob seu controle Acion�rio".A��es na oposi��o Tr�s deputados pela resist�ncia entraram c a��es Na Justi�a at� S�o Paulocontra esse processo
de privatiza��o: Jorge do Carmo (PT): entrou com uma a��o questionando a tramita��o em regime urg�ncia e A convoca��o, congresso das comiss�es(quando as comiss�o pelas quais o projeto tem que passar se re�nem para apreciar O texto juntas). Segundo os contestamento da deputado. pela import�ncia desse projetos; ele tinha deve ser apreciado obedecedo ao rito parlamentar tradicional - passando Comiss�o por C), sem prazode urgente!Emidio De Souza/ PT": entraramcom Uma a��es alegandoque na Constitui��o
paulista tem de mudar para acatar e privatiza��o. A constitui��o do estado (leia acima) determina que o saneamento deve ser ofertado por companhiade controle no Estado,a Sabesp; Se ela for privatizada tamb�mgd4p casinoconstitui � n�o alterar:A PEC precisa passar Por duas vota��ess com tr�s quinto- dos votos � diferentemente em projeto De lei -que depende apenas da maioria simples";Guilherme Cortez(PSOL): ainda insitionou O fato do projetos se Lei N�o sejaPC", al�m disso ele tramitara nas 2 comiss�es Em quando deveria
tramitar, segundo ele. a de Administra��o P�blica e o De Meio Ambiente (s�o obrigat�rias no m�nimo tr�s comiss�es), mas ficou definido que O PL Tramaria nade Constitui��o da Justi�a�, Na se Infraestrutura �na em Finan�as E Or�amento). As 3 a��es foram para um Tribunal DE Judici�rio do estado � Maso TJ n�o Acatou nenhuma delas�. Al�m dessas��es tamb�m entraram No Supremo tribunal Federal(STF) ou ao Minist�rio P�blico "(MP").O PT com os PSOL protocolaram uma a��o direta por inconstitucionalidadeno STF
questionando o decreto do governo no estado que criou novas compet�ncias para os conselhos deliberativo, das URAEs (Unidades Regionaisde Servi�os e Abastecimento da �gua Pot�vel ou Esgotamento Sanit�rio). Segundo eles: O Decreto deu a esses conselhoo poder em alterar detalhes dos contratos na Sabesp com as prefeitura. Um nos pontos importantes dessa privatiza��o � porqueem tese ela implicar rompimento autom�tico dele contrato entre As PrefeituraS�. A altera��o nas competentees dessasUraES�, portanto n�o permitiria
ao governo renegociar esses contratos via URAEs, sem que cada munic�pio de neGOcie individualmente. A a��o est� a cargo do ministro Andr� Mendon�a no Supremo), indicado por Bolsonaro Ao STF). Le teve uma derrota pol�tica para Tarc�sio em setembro: O ministros indicou Uma pessoa Para um vaga No Tribunal De Contas da Estado (TCE) mas perdeu na disputa par o indica��o dele governador e Marco Bertaiolli(PSD);A Bancada pelo PSOL tamb�m protocolougd4p casinoden�ncia neste MP contra ele presidenteda Sabesp - Andre Salcedo;
Segundo eles, existe um conflito de interesse no processo a privatiza��o. Quem �a Sabesp A Percebep � uma empresa em economia mista � ou seja: o controle n�o do estado - que tem 50 3% da seu capital social e mas outra parte s�o negociada Em a��es nas Bolsas De Valoresde S�o Paulo E Nova York; Sua oferta inicial p�blica dasa��es (IPO), na siglaem ingl�s) foi feita desde 2002. Ela est� considerada numa �s maiores companhias com saneamento pelo mundoe atende 375 munic�pios paulistam", onde vivem 28,4 milh�es se pessoas�. J�
foi finalista de premia��es, como o �Global Water Awards�, e � reconhecida internacionalmente pela contribui��o significativa para a desenvolvimento mundial do setorde �gua. Tamb�m presta servi�os em �guas E esgoto com parcerias empresas privadas Para outros quatro munic�pios paulistam: Mogi-Mirim; Castilho), Andradina ou Mairinque! � composta por mais De 12 mil funcion�rios que tem valor DE mercado estimado Em R$ 39 bilh�es
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History of casino games and how gambling was born The word "gamble" comes from Arabic, where "al zahar" means "dice", and in English "hazard" is "risk" and "chance". Gambling has been very popular since ancient times! Uncertainty, adrenaline and the possibility of various big wins or other prizes with smaller stakes have attracted people since about 3,500 BC, and archaeologists have found dice with an estimated age of over 40,000 years! Great civilizations such as Egypt and Ancient China, which is considered to be the originator of modern gambling, organized games in which they bet their money, houses, wives, slaves, years of their lives and even parts of their bodies in games of dice, bones and stones! Ancient peoples used all kinds of means for games - animal bones, tiles, precious metals, etc. It is believed that the oldest game of chance, popular since the time of the siege of Troy, is the roll of dice. And according to the Indians, the games were invented by the gods. The popularity of gambling spread throughout Europe with the help of traveling salesmen, and in one of the most popular Italian cities - Venice, in 1638 the first casino appeared, the success of which was guaranteed because at the same time the famous carnival! Before the opening of the Cazino di Venezia, people organized illegal betting, bass and other games that the authorities could control. However, even this gambling hall closes after less than 140 years, because it is considered one of the main factors in the impoverishment of the population! Subsequently, a massive opening of casinos began across Europe, with one of the most popular gambling halls in Monte Carlo opening in 1861. Thus, the gambling industry developed everywhere around the world, and casino owners were constantly looking for ways to increase their profits and cheat the players. Roulette quickly replaced dice games. At first, gambling was thought to be a pastime only for the wealthy, as they used casinos for dancing, but they were also the perfect place to spend some of the large sums of money they had at their disposal. This idea started from the modern casinos in Vegas, which is still considered the gambling capital. But today, everyone has access to gambling halls, and this stereotype has almost completely disappeared. Nowadays it is hard to find a person who has never played any such game. And with the advent of online casinos 25 years ago, everyone has access to the addictive gambling games. It can be said that today online casinos are even more popular and preferred option than physical ones, as the convenience of betting and winning directly from the comfort of your home is unmatched!
The Story of Las Vegas - Soft Gambling Las Vegas is definitely the first place that pops into most people's mind when they hear the word "casino" or "gambling". It is not by chance that it is called the "Mecca of Gambling", as there are some of the largest, most modern, expensive, luxurious and huge gaming halls. Funny how this town in the Nevada desert is becoming the capital of gambling, isn't it? Las Vegas is literally an oasis in the desert, which got its name way back in 1829 (translated from Spanish it means "meadows"). It was even Mexican territory at the time. Although it was discovered by accident, it offered very good living conditions and received its city status in 1905, being a small town and an intermediate stop between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City. Before gambling began in Vegas, the area was famous among gold prospectors and there were many mines there. In fact, it all started with the workers who built railroads, but to diversify the work process, they played various games, bets, drank and had fun. This lifestyle quickly became very popular and attracted many people who wanted to feel the feeling of adrenaline and depravity, so much so that between 1910 and 1930 gambling in Nevada was outlawed! In fact, it has been banned and re-legalized numerous times throughout the history of the state and city. But in doing so, the number of illegal casinos and places, such as bars and restaurants, where people gathered to gamble increased significantly. Cheap electricity from the hydroelectric power plant at the Hoover Dam being built nearby further helped Sin City's development and modern appearance, and workers often hopped there to relax after work. In 1931, gambling was finally legalized and the real history of Vegas began! After the authorities saw that they would not be able to cope with illegal gambling, in 1941 the Golden Gate opened - the first legal casino in Vegas, Vegas Strips with many different slots, as well as the first hotel complex El Rancho Vegas, which, in addition to gambling, also offered various types of sports. These are some of the first legal gambling halls, thanks to which Las Vegas became so popular and attracts millions of tourists to this day! Many celebrities visited Vegas regularly, as well as had performances there, which further stimulated the influx of tourists. And Vegas had also become a favorite place for members of the mafia, each of whom sought to build the best gambling hall, through which, in addition to earning more money, they could also launder the huge sums that had been illegally acquired so far. A military base was also opened in 1941, and the military insisted that prostitution be banned. But this does not stop the mobsters from developing Sin City and their business, taking advantage of the huge potential of the place and the idea. The first casino-hotel - "Flamingo" - was opened in 1946. Vegas developed so quickly that in 1948 an airport was opened to provide easier access for tourists to entertainment. Howard Hughes is the main businessman to whom the modern look and feel of Sin City is due. Thanks to him, the atmosphere of Vegas turns from cowboy to luxurious. For this purpose, the opening of many huge complexes with shops, entertainment activities and restaurants to absorb the huge flow of tourists and also to entertain and entertain them, thus earning a lot of money, also helps. They had increasingly high standards and a polished appearance. The first "all inclusive" hotel was "International" - the largest hotel in the world at that time! Today, this record is held by the �MGM Grand Hotel Casino�. Various themed hotels are also opening their doors - Roman, Greek, Italian, to immerse tourists in an authentic atmosphere while enjoying the City of Sin. And in 1989, Casino Mega Resort opened its doors, which was the largest and most modern to date. Card poker games were very popular, and the annual tournament held in Vegas contributed greatly to this goal. Thanks to him, the best card players from all over the world gathered in one place to show their skills. The first world tournament was held in 1970, and since then, with the introduction of new rules, the game of poker has become more of a competition than a chance to win money. And since 1967, the state of Nevada began collecting taxes from gambling. In order to protect their businesses and reduce the risk of gambling being banned again, a Gaming Control Board and a Black Book of names of players who will not be allowed in the gaming halls are being established. The entire gambling industry subsequently developed on this principle. To this day, the city is a filming location for many movies, and tourists visit it with the idea that "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!". Sin City is popular not only for its casinos, but also for its buildings of different styles that give you the opportunity to feel like you are on a world trip while walking through the streets of the pearl of Nevada.
How do slot machines come about? The first betting slot machine is believed to have been manufactured by Sittman and Pitt in 1891 in New York. It contained 5 reels and 50 cards, among which players could find winning poker combinations by pulling the handle. Many owners of bars and restaurants wanted to get hold of her, as they could easily manipulate her and increase their profits. And the rewards for the players were not monetary. These took the form of a free drink, cigars or cigarettes, depending on what the location of the machine had available. And this was quite a good way of additional income for its owners. The first rotary machine named "Liberty Bell" was created by the mechanic Charles Fay and has 3 reels and different symbols - a spade, a horseshoe, a diamond, a heart and the liberty bell, after which the whole machine is named. The top prize for hitting three bells was 50 cents. The unique thing about this slot machine was that it offered the option to pay out the winnings automatically, which no other machine had done before. The original machine is kept in Reno, Nevada. Subsequently, numerous manufacturers stole, copied and improved his idea, since he did not patent it, and thus appeared the machines that are still found in casinos today. But �Liberty Bell� is the slot that started the popularity of the gambling industry. The principle of operation of the rotary machines is usually the same - on several metal hoops in the metal machine, called drums, the designated symbols are drawn. The lever handle spins the reels when you pull it, and the symbols gradually reduce their speed and stop moving. Then you also understand whether you are winning or not. In the beginning, the prizes were free drinks and cigarettes, fruit candies, and later money. As technology improves, so do new colors and sounds. The next major step in the development of the casino industry is the introduction of the ever so popular fruit slot machines. This happened in 1907, thanks to Herbert Mills - an inventor of slot machines from Chicago. Thanks to him, the so-called "Operator bell" - the first machine with a BAR symbol - the brand of candy that has been the typical prize for a slot win until now. The main idea of fruit slots is to bypass legal restrictions � for example, when you hit several identical fruit symbols, the prize was the corresponding fruit. To this day, watermelon, grapes, orange, lemon, prune and banana are mainly used.
The first electronic gambling games and their evolution An advanced machine with the possibility of paying out winnings is also the first fully electromechanical slot machine "Money Honey" from 1963. It marked the beginning of the field of development of electronic slot machines, and in 1976 the first was tested at the Hilton Hotel in Vegas video machine manufactured by Fortune Coin Co, with a 19-inch Sony display. This marked the beginning of the digitalization of the casino industry. After the introduction of the video slot machine "Money Honey", where the screen replaces the real reel, the computer begins to determine the winning algorithms, its payout and when the machine stops spinning, thus making the slots equally fair for all players. With the introduction of electronic machines, there is also information about the return rate (RTP) of each of them, the ability to choose your bet and number of lines, interesting designs, sounds, colors, etc. In short, gambling becomes even more interesting and attractive. Thanks to the digitization of gambling games, online casinos also emerged, and this development began in parallel with the advancement of the Internet since the 1990s. The next video slot machine �Reel �Em� was produced in 1996 and has a second screen for bonus spins! Thanks to these two machines, slots become the most popular machines in casinos. The first online casino software developed in 1994 by Microgaming pioneered the online gambling industry. Roulette, blackjack and slot machines are the main games in online casinos, with new ones appearing all the time. Today, the assortment of gambling games in the online space is extremely rich, with all players having a choice of thousands depending on their personal preferences.
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